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Tri-Star Medical Transport
Tri-Star Medical Transport provides services for local area hospitals, nursing facilities, assisted living facilities and private residences upon request. Services provided include hospital discharges, hospital to hospital transports, doctors appointments, non-emergent ER calls, and wheelchair service. Please contact Tri-Star for more information and any questions regarding area of service and prices.
Services: (please visit our website for details)
Ambulance Transports – Providing emergent and non-emergent Basic Life Support ambulance transportation. Ambulance transports are supported by two state certified Emergency Medical technicians. Each vehicle is state inspected and must be equipped to provide Basic Life Support patient care such as oxygen, suctioning equipment, immobilization equipment, etc.
Wheelchair Van – Providing a method that allows freedom and mobility for those that are not able to move about utilizing normal modes of transportation. Wheelchair vans allow Tri-Star Medical Transport to extend it's services to those not requiring an ambulance but need a specially equipped vehicle to transport them to and from a destination in their wheelchair. This allows us to provide a service giving that individual a sense of freedom and a method to travel to desired locations.
Long Distance Transports – In some instances our customers require transportation by either ambulance/stretcher or even wheelchair van to locations outside of Wake County, even outside the North Carolina area. Tri-Star Medical Transportation can assist you with those needs.