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Twice Exceptional Children’s Advocacy
Twice Exceptional Children’s Advocacy, Inc. a non-profit 501(c)3 charity organization was founded in 2003 by a group of parents seeking to identify, support and unite twice exceptional (2e) students,and to educate and inform parents, educators and professional care providers with research-based information to understand and provide appropriate interventions for the social, emotional and academic support of twice exceptional students.
TECA’s mission is to identify support and unite the twice exceptional (2e) community.
We generate professional and public awareness of twice exceptionality through education, advocacy and the endorsement of researched interventions and programs that will enhance the performance and achievement of 2e students.
We promote support for both their special gifts and talents in all domains, and for their learning differences or disabilities.
Twice exceptional students are gifted students who, as a result of a divergent learning style or challenge, or emotional difficulties, are unable to meet their potential in a typical school setting.
Please visit our website or Contact us for more information: