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UAB Pediatric Neuromotor Clinic
Our Mission:
To construct and administer feasible, effective and evidenced-based occupational therapy services, both locally and globally, for children with hemiplegia/hemiparesis to increase their independence in every area of life.
Welcome to the UAB Pediatric Neuromotor Clinic, currently under the direction of Reggi Lutenbacher, MS, OTR/L. We are pleased to offer Intensive Occupational Therapy, with constraint, to assist children with neuromotor disorders. This treatment is based upon twelve years of research and clinical application using the ACQUIREc form of pediatric constraint-induced movement therapy. The word Acquire exemplifies the overall goal of this intensive occupational therapy treatment–to acquire new skills and function for children participating in this therapy while the subscript c indicates the important component of casting.
Dr. Stephanie DeLuca and Dr. Karen Echols, former researchers at the UAB Civitan International Research Center and Sparks Clinics, led the way in developing this promising therapy. We are excited to continue offering this intensive occupational therapy based on the ACQUIREc research and clinical findings.
What is constraint therapy?
Intensive Occupational Therapy (an ACQUIREc Therapy Model) utilizes constraint of the uninvolved upper extremity while focusing on the functional use and strengthening of the involved upper extremity through repetition and concentration on each child’s unique therapeutic needs. Each child will be fitted with a bivalve cast that is fabricated especially for him or her. The cast will be placed on the child’s functional upper extremity to allow for focused therapy and movement of the weaker arm and hand.
Who is eligible?
Any child with a neuromotor disability. Other requirements include, having no serious uncontrolled seizure disorders, and be medically stable at the time of treatment. We treat children aged 14 months to 18 years, with a variety of neuromotor disorders such as cerebral palsy, hemispherectomy, hydrocephaly, and traumatic brain injury (TBI).
What treatment options are available?
We offer various types of therapy to fit your child’s specific needs. To decide which protocol is best for your child, please contact us for consultation and pricing.
Where is the treatment administered?
Whenever possible, treatment will take place in the child’s natural environment. For the month, this may include the home, temporary residence, school, playgrounds, childcare center, or a relative’s home.
What is the cost of the program?
For information regarding pricing contact us at 205-975-0466. We currently do not directly bill insurance, but have an insurance advocate on retainer who works with families to help with the insurance reimbursement process. All other expenses are at the responsibility of the parents/guardians.
Contact us.
Children are treated in the order in which treatment is requested. Please contact Corey W. Stone, MS, OTR/L, Treating Therapist at Intensive Occupational Therapy: An ACQUIREc Therapy Model, for further information and questions regarding treatment options that may be beneficial for your child, and scheduling treatment. Please see the attached Brochure of Services to select the Therapy Protocol most appropriate for your child.