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United Cerebral Palsy of Central Wisconsin
Throughout 12 counties of West Central Wisconsin, United Cerebral Palsy offers professional services, care and understanding to meet the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities. UCP is a United Way Agency (only 21% of annual budget), in existence since 1954 serving over 600 families. 65% of UCP's customers/clients have disabilities other than cerebral palsy. The following UCP Agency Services are provided to form a network of support for people with disabilities: The West Central Wisconsin Adult Follow-Up Evaluation Clinic is held at Sacred Heart Hospital in Eau Claire; In response to requests for special assistance in locating information and resources related to disability, UCP provides consumers with technical assistance, information and appropriate referrals to other agencies and monitors implementation of those referrals; UCP provides many recreational opportunities for all ages, a summer weekend adult camp is sponsored by the St. Croix Valley Disability Coalition and UCP; Individualized, personalized counseling is offered to the child, adolescent, or to the adult grappling with the acceptance of having a disability into his/her own life; UCP protects the legal and human rights of persons with disabilities as well as of their families (including rights to education, property, community services, social involvement and medical and therapeutic care; Through its public education program, UCP seeks to increase the sensitivity of people to the feelings, challenges and abilities of people with disabilities; UCP helps people with disabilities get and keep meaningful employment, independent housing, networking support and attendant care.