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United We Stand of New York
Starting POINTS for Parents is an online community for families of children with disabilities Providing Opportunities for Information Networking,Training and Support as they learn, share and connect about how they can support the educational and developmental needs of their children.
Parents of children with disabilities have a passion for obtaining the information they need to support their children's learning and improve their educational outcomes, and then for sharing that information with other parents. Parent Centers, like the Parent Information Center in NH, have been a critical resource to parents for many years. Starting POINTS for Parents is an-line community where Parent Centers can build upon their repertiore of services to parents, by providing parents with training, resources and information, and along with parents, advocates, educators and service providers, facilitate the sharing of ideas, experiences, best practices and resources to meet the broader needs of the community.
Starting POINTS for Parents is based on a concept by the Parent Information Center of NH and the Maine Parent Federation. The website was developed as a resource for Parent Centers, thanks to support from the North East Parent Center Assistance and Collaboration Team (NE-PACT), a project of the Statewide Parent Advocacy Network, NJ, and funding from the Office of Special Education Programs, Grant XXX. The Starting POINTS for Parents "website template" may be available in other states, modified to meet the needs of the parents in that state.
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