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University Legal Services, DC
University Legal Services is a private, non-profit organization that serves as the District of Columbia's federally mandated protection and advocacy system for the human, legal and service rights of people with disabilities.
Our Programs
Assistive Technology
The Assistive Technology Program increases access and acquisition to assistive technology devices and services for all persons with disabilities. The AT Program provide individuals with disabilities demonstrations of AT devices, an AT device lending library, a reduced interest financial loan and access to recycled AT devices. The AT program also provides public awareness activities, technical assistance and trainings on how to use, develop and implement assistive technology solutions.
Client Assistance Program
In addition to four protection and advocacy programs, ULS was designated by the D.C. Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) the provider of advocacy services for clients of RSA. CAP's goal is to identify, explain and resolve any problems you may be having with your rehabilitation program as quickly as possible.
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
ULS provides services to individuals with developmental disabilities under this program. A developmental disability is defined as a disability manifested before the age of 22; chronic in nature; and resulting in substantial functional limitations in three or more major life activities. This program is designed to help persons with developmental disabilities exercise their rights under the law.
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness
This program consists of services for individuals who have a mental illness or an emotional impairment and are in a facility which provides care or treatment for the illness. ULS may address rights issues, allegations of abuse or neglect, improper use of seclusion or restraints, or other problems which arise during an individual's stay in such a facility, or while being transported to such a facility, or within 90 days of discharge from a facility.
Protection and Advocacy for Individual Rights
The PAIR program operates in each state under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended in 1992. The purpose of PAIR is to provide services for all other individuals with physical or mental disabilities who are not eligible for services under the PAIMI and PADD programs, or the Client Assistance Program (CAP).
Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security
The PABSS program provides assistance and individual representation to Social Security Beneficiaries with disabilities who are seeking vocational rehabilitation services, employment services and other support services that break down barriers to securing, regaining, or maintaining employment. Recipients of Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income can also receive advocacy, informational and referrals regarding the new "Ticket to Work" legislation under this program
Protection and Advocacy for Voter Access
The PAVA Program was created by the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA). The purpose of the program is to ensure full participation in the electoral process for people with disabilities, including accessing polling places, registering to vote and casting ballots.
ULS DC Jail Advocacy Project
This program assists with removing barriers which formerly incarcerated men, women and youth with mental illness face while transitioning back to the community and seeking social integration, access to healthcare and support for their major needs. The DC Jail Advocacy Project supplies direct advocacy services, public education opportunities and policy advocacy in order to leverage the District’s commitment to providing independent and self-directed living opportunities to formerly incarcerated men and women with mental illness. The ULS DC Jail Advocacy Project is supported through a grant by the DC Bar Foundation.
Protection and Advocacy Program:
Phone: (202) 547-0198
Fax: (202) 547-2662
Community Based Services
Home Buying Programs:
Home Purchase Assistance Program (HPAP)
Employer Assisted Home buying Program for DC Employees (EHAP)
Step-Up Program
Money Management, Budgeting and Credit:
The counselor along with the client must first do an assessment of the client's present financial situation.
Post-Purchase Occupancy Counseling for First-Time Homebuyers – provide ongoing counseling support to clients that have purchased homes.
Mortgage Delinquency and Default – The counselor assesses clients' current mortgage situation. The cause of the delinquency is ascertained. The counselor then begins to devise a strategy to bring the client current.
Reverse Equity Mortgages (HECM) – University Legal Services provides counseling for HUD's Reverse Equity Mortgage program (Section 255) known as HECM. HECM stands for Home Equity Conversion Mortgage. This loan is a federally-insured loan designed to enable seniors 62 years and older to convert the equity in their properties into income. Many seniors use this program to supplement social security, pay off credit card debt or medical expenses, do home repairs, travel and whatever else they deem necessary.
Rental Counseling – University Legal Services housing counseling staff assist clients in resolving problems which may prevent or delay renting an apartment and to answer any questions pertaining to the rental process. Counselors also assist clients with questions about tenancy and are familiar with D.C. laws related to residential tenancies.
Eviction Counseling – In the unfortunate event of a pending eviction, Counselors work with clients to ensure they are fully aware of D.C. laws related to eviction. Oftentimes evictions can be stopped when a ULS Counselor becomes involved and is able to negotiate with the landlord or refer the client to needed resources. If an eviction occurs, counselors work with clients to ensure they are aware of storage options, or other housing options.
Single Family Residential Rehabilitation Program/Handicapped Accessibility Improvement Program (SFRRP/HAIP) – University Legal Services administers the Single Family Residential Rehabilitation Program through the D.C. Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). The programs primary purpose is to assist residents of the District with addressing much needed home repair problems such as: leaky roofs, holes in walls, lead-based paint hazards, and accessibility for persons with mobility or other physical impairments. The program will not make any luxury improvements or cosmetic repairs.
Housing Counseling Program:
Phone: (202) 547-4747
Fax: (202) 547-2083
Far Northeast Office
3939 Benning Road, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20019
Phone: (202) 396-1201
Southeast Office
1800 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, S.E., First Floor
Washington, D.C. 20020
Phone: (202) 889-2196
ULS Central Office: