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Urban Partnership Resources and Information on Disability and Education (Urban PRIDE) is a not-for-profit organization and community resource center founded in 1997 to empower and support parents of children with disabilities in inner city Boston to improve the lives of children at home, in school and in the community. We aim to improve the availability of and access to culturally responsive disability related support, information, and training for culturally and linguistically diverse families who have children with disabilities, as well as young adults with disabilities in urban Boston.
At Urban PRIDE, we work with families in ways that builds on their strengths and the existing resources in the community. Urban PRIDE has served over 1500 traditionally underserved families with a variety of different strategies including one-on-one direct support, individual/small group training, consultation activities, parent support groups and collaboration with other child and family provider organizations. More than 70% of the families served have indicated that their child has received more appropriate services because they have used the products and services that Urban PRIDE provides. Approximately 200 parents have attended community workshops this year, and 43 families have received one-to-one guidance and coaching in negotiating the special education process.