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USC United Summet Center – MR/DD Waiver Program – West Virginia
The MR/DD Waiver Program is a Federal and State funded program through Medicaid Title XIX Homes and Community Based Services to assist, support, and train those with mental disabilities. Here, at the United Summit Center, we provide services to children and adults, as well as their families, with mental retardation and developmental disabilities such as in-home care, community resources, and daily needs.
In order to meet the needs of each individual and promote a level of self-reliance, we provide a variety of support services which include: Psychological Services Psychiatric Services Nursing Services Behavior Management Respite Care Extended Physician Services Service Coordination Transportation Pre-Vocational Training Supported Employment Crisis Services Adult Companion
Respite Care:
Respite Care services are offered to individuals on a temporary basis in the absence of a primary care giver. Respite Care is offered as a relief to the primary care giver to provide care provisionally to prevent breakdown due to the physical burden and emotional stress continuous care of a dependent can cause.
Crisis Services:
Crisis Services is an acute, short-term service provided when and individual is exhibiting unmanageable and/or inappropriate behaviors requiring intense behavioral or psychiatric care. The goal is to respond immediately, assess the situation, and utilize positive behavioral support planning, interventions, strategies, adaptive training, and direct care to return the individual to a manageable state.
Eligibility for MR/DD Waiver In order to participate in the MR/DD Waiver Program through United Summit Center, an individual must meet the following medical criteria: Have a diagnosis of Mental Retardation(MR), or a similar diagnosis causing an individual to function like someone who has MR, Have at least three (3) substantial functional limitations. Self-care – ability to complete basic activities such as dressing, toileting, eating, bathing, and simple meal preparations.
Learning – cognitive competence and ability to acquire new behaviors, perceptions, and information and apply experience to new situations.
Mobility – ability to use fine and gross motor skills, ability to move one’s self from one place to another with or without mechanical aids. Capacity for Independent Living – ability to perform routine household chores, exhibit social skills, safety, understand basic first aid and emergency response, appreciate danger, make use of community services, shop for necessary items, engage in age-appropriate leisure activities, and engage in work activities. Self-Direction – ability to make choices and initiate activities, ability to choose an active lifestyle or remain passive, and ability to engage in or demonstrate an interest in preferred activities.
Receptive or expressive language – ability to communicate by any means, whether verbal, nonverbal/gestures, or with assistive devices; it does not include articulation (how well they say it).
Note: In order to be considered substantial, adaptive behavior scores from the psychological evaluation must meet certain criteria. Require a level of care provided in an Intermediate Care Facility for the Mentally Retarded (ICF/MR), which provides 24/7 care. Applying for Waiver To apply for the MR/DD Waiver Program through the United Summit Center, please call 1-800-SUMMIT-0 or 1-800-786648-0 to schedule an appointment and complete the application form (DD-14). The United Summit Center will fill out and submit the application along with the medical evaluation, psychological evaluation, social history, and individual treatment plan within 45 days of submission of the DD-14 Waiver Application Form.