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Utah Transit Authority Para transit Service
UTA's Paratransit Service ADA program is a service of the Utah Transit Authority, for people with physical, cognitive or visual disabilities who are functionally unable to independently use the UTA fixed route bus service either all of the time, temporarily or only under certain circumstances. For more information on the ADA program, see the complete program details below.
Paratransit Contact Info:
UTA Flextrans Paratransit Service in Salt Lake and Davis Counties (801) 287-7433
UTA Paratransit Service for all other counties: 1-877-882-7272
T.D.D. Relay 711 (see note below)
UTA Mobility Center: (801) 287-2263
Please note: UTA's dedicated TDD number (287-4657) has been discontinued. If you are deaf or hearing impaired and use either a teletypewriter (TTY) or computer equipment with TTY capability to place your telephone calls, dial 711 (Relay Utah) then give the Relay operator the Paratransit Scheduling # 287-7433. Calls are also accepted using the video relay services, if you have equipment available.