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Valdez City School District – Valdex ALASKA
The City of Valdez, population 4,353, is located in South Central Alaska on the northeast tip of Prince William Sound. On the road system, Valdez is 305 road miles east of Anchorage, and 364 road miles south of Fairbanks. It lies at approximately 61.130830° North Latitude and -146.34833° West Longitude. The City encompasses 222.0 square miles of land and 55.1 square miles of water.
The City was founded just prior to the turn of the 20th century as a gateway to the “All-American Route” to interior gold and copper fields. Incorporated since 1901, the community’s first hundred years have been marked by a number of significant events the most notable of which are the 1964 Alaska Earthquake, being chosen as the terminus of the trans-Alaska Pipeline and the 1989 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill.
Key Phone Numbers:
Valdez High School 835-4767
High School Fax 835-2596
Junior High School 835-2244
Junior High Fax 835-2540
Elementary School 835-4728
Elementary Fax 835-2047
Laidlaw Bus 835-9525
Special Education 834-4713