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Valley Metro
"Dial-a-Ride provides service to three types of groups: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) certified individuals, non-ADA certified individuals and the general public.
ADA-certified: The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 requires public transportation agencie s to provide paratransit service that complements regular fixed-route bus service for individuals who are ADA-certified. Dial-a-Ride ADA service provides shared-ride public transportation that complies with ADA requirements.
Non-ADA certified: Some cities in Maricopa County have elected to provide Dial-a-Ride services that exceed ADA requirements. Dial-a-Ride non-ADA service provides shared-ride public transportation to seniors and persons with disabilities.
General public: A few cities in Maricopa County offer their Dial-a-Ride services to the general public under specific conditions."