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Vermont Achievement Center
Diana Johnson – Director of Early Education & Care
Building Positive Life Skills to Prepare Children and Families for Success is more than our mission. It is a source of great pride for the Vermont Achievement Center. Since 1937, VAC has offered innovative and responsive programs for children and families and is now the largest provider of social services for children and families in Rutland County. VAC provides affordable and accessible programs and services to more than 7,000 infants and children, teens, adults and seniors every year thanks to our dedicated staff, generous volunteers and support from individuals, civic leaders, businesses and foundations. VAC is laying a strong educational foundation for our children by providing year-round childcare, after-school and seasonal enrichment programs for thousands of children each year. VAC is the largest licensed child care provider in the county. VAC is building a strong future for children and teens who have special education needs and are at-risk. We provide a wide array of developmental learning, skill building, job-training programs, intervention services as well as counseling. We collaborate with the region’s schools providing on-site services to help students success. And VAC contributes to building a better community by offering a variety of programs open to all primarily through the Mitchell Therapy Pool. VAC is committed to meeting the changing needs of children and families by providing services and programs that help children and families succeed.
Referral & Resources: 802-747-0033
Support: 802-747-4365