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Vermont Assissive Technology Project
Assistive Technology is "Any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities". When a person’s capabilities do not match the demands of the environment, the environment may need to be changed to an adaptive environment. Advances in technology and design engineering have generated interest adapting existing residence environments to provide improved functional support for care, and Activities of Daily Living (ADL). The Mission of the Vermont Assistive Technology Program is to increase awareness and knowledge, and to change policies and practices to ensure assistive technology is available through all services to Vermonters with disabilities. Our Vision is that all individuals with disabilities receive the assistive technology they need and want, and that the benefits of assistive devices and technologies figure prominently in the minds of consumers, policy makers, and service providers. We seek to create a dependable, consistent system of service delivery that is consumer driven and consumer responsive. Our Commitment is to enable Vermonters with disabilities to have greater independence, productivity, and confidence, and to provide Vermonters a clear and direct avenue toward integration and inclusion in school, the work force and the community. Please read our State Plan for Assistive Technology for complete details on how we work towards accomplishing these goals.