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Vermont Department of Mental Health – Agency of Human Services
The individuals and families we support in Vermont's communities want the same things we all want: safe homes, close friends, loving relationships, good health and something meaningful to do each day. Our job is to help them succeed. The Department of Mental Health continues to focus on its vision for self-determination, empowerment, recovery and resiliency. It means being responsive to the needs and preferences of consumers and families. The vision challenges DMH to change the culture, philosophy and values, and to embrace fully the concepts of recovery and resiliency. DMH continues to focus on its vision for self-determination, empowerment and recovery. It means being responsible to the need and preferences of consumers and families. The vision challenges DMH to change the culture, philosophy and values, and to fully embrace the concepts of recovery. The Department of Mental Health (DMH) consists of two programmatic divisions: Adult and Child, Adolescent, and Family Mental Health Units. Direct services are provided by private, non-profit service providers called Designated Agencies located throughout the state. The Department of Mental Health designates one Designated Agency (DA) in each geographic region of the state as responsible for ensuring needed services are available through local planning, service coordination, and monitoring outcomes within their region. The Vermont State Hospital is the only state sponsored organization that provides direct service.