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Vermont Developmental Disabilities Council
Agency of Human Services
The VTDDC is a state-wide board that works to increase public awareness about critical issues affecting people with developmental disabilities and their families. Created under the federal Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act, VTDDC uses its federal funding to build capacity and advocate for changes to systems so that Vermonters with developmental disabilities are at the heart of Vermont’s communities. People with developmental disabilities, their families and guardians play a key role in letting VTDDC know what is happening for those with developmental disabilities throughout Vermont, and in deciding how to use its funds to have the greatest impact on people's lives. VTDDC develops a State Plan every 5 years that drives its work and the grants it awards. Its projects focus on public education, leadership training, and advocacy aimed at enhancing individual and family-centered supports and services, the ability of people to speak for themselves and make choices, and to exercise all the rights and protections of full community participants.