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Vermont Student Support Services – Special Education
Department of Education
The department's special education consultants provide technical assistance to schools and other organizations to help ensure that schools understand and comply with federal and state laws and regulations related to providing special education services. In addition, the special education division offers a due process procedure to parents who have concerns about the services offered to their children. Under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA, Vermont is required to identify and evaluate students who have disabilities and to offer them individualized education programs (IEP) for special education and related services. Decisions regarding the services that are included in an IEP are made by a team using a process specified in the law. An IEP team includes a student's classroom teacher, special educator, parent(s) and a representative of the school district who is empowered to commit resources such as staff time or funding. By law, schools are required to carry out provisions outlined in a student's IEP.
Department Phone: (802) 828-3135
TA Line: (802) 828-5114