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Virginia 211
"2-1-1 is an easy to remember phone number connecting people with free information on available community services. When you dial 2-1-1, a trained professional listens to your situation and suggests sources of help using one of the largest databases of health and human services in Virginia.
2-1-1 VIRGINIA provides access to services in your community and statewide. All referrals are confidential and you can search for these same services on this 2-1-1 VIRGINIA Web site.
Government, nonprofit, community-based agency, and business that provide health and human services to the citizens of Virginia are encouraged to list their services. To list your agency, follow the ""Update/Add Your Agency"" directions on the home page.
2-1-1 VIRGINIA is a service of the Virginia Department of Social Services provided in partnership with the Council of Community Services, the Family Resource and Referral Center, The Planning Council, the United Way of Central Virginia, and the United Way of Greater Richmond & Petersburg."
Phone: 211Phone: 211