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Virginia Department of Education, Early Childhood Special Education
"Early Childhood Special Education (Part B of IDEA) and Early Intervention (Part C of IDEA), in Virginia, provide services for children from birth to Kindergarten age who qualify according to state and federal law. All localities in the state have services available for children in this age group who are eligible.
Early Intervention services are provided for infants and toddlers with a disability. ""Infant and toddler with a disability"" means a child, ages birth through two, inclusive, whose birthday falls on or before September 30, or who is eligible to receive services in the Part C early intervention system up to age three, and who:
has delayed functioning;
manifests atypical development or behavior;
has behavioral disorders that interfere with acquisition of developmental skills; or
has a diagnosed physical or mental condition that has a high probability of resulting in delay, even though no current delay exists. COV § 2.1-760; 34 CFR § 303.16 (a)."