VOICES for Vermont’s Children

Address: PO Box 261
Montpelier, VT 05601
Phone: (802) 229-6377 Fax: (802) 2294929 Email: vtkids@childrensforum.org Website: http://www.voicesforvtkids.org/

The mission of the Voices for Vermont’s Children is to promote public policy that enhances the lives of children and youth in Vermont. Established in 1983, Voices for Vermont’s Children (formerly Vermont Children’s Forum) began as an informal alliance of human service and education advocates  concerned about the status of children and youth in Vermont. VOICES has evolved into a statewide membership organization of several hundred individuals and organizations. Membership dues and contributions support our advocacy, outreach and community organizing on behalf of Vermont’s children and youth. Voices addresses the full spectrum of child, youth and family issues – from child care and access to health care coverage for children and youth to juvenile justice and   child welfare. Voices for Vermont’s Children works on behalf of children and youth by: Advocating during the Vermont Legislative session; Organizing and working in state and regional coalitions; Providing up-to-date information, policy briefs and fact sheets on issues important to children and youth; Co-sponsoring workshops, trainings and conferences; Publishing Vermont KIDS COUNT child and family data reports.

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