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VSA Arts of Missouri
Leslie Holt – Executive Director
"VSA Missouri is a statewide organization promoting access to the arts for people with disabilities. VSA Missouri envisions a truly inclusive community where people with disabilities participate in the same professional development, educational, and leisure opportunities in the arts as people without disabilities. VSA Missouri,the state organization on arts and disability, was incorporated in August 2009. We are one of a network of VSA affiliates throughout the United States and in 51 countries around the world, affiliated with the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC.
VSA and its name have evolved since the organization was founded. The organization was and continues to be a pioneer in the field of arts and disability. VSA has played a significant role over the years in changing society’s attitudes toward people with disabilities. With that change, the organization has regularly looked at its own identity to ensure it is consistent with current attitudes and language used by the disability community. VSA Missouri achieves its mission through partnerships with artists, educators, schools, organizations, advocates and communities throughout the state. Our programs focus on education, cultural access, professional and career development for artists, educators and others. Click on the links to the left or contact us to find out more!"