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VSA Arts of Vermont
VSA Vermont, formerly VSA Arts of Vermont, is a not-for-profit arts and education organization, dedicated to making the world of the arts accessible to Vermonters of all abilities. Founded in 1986, VSA Vermont is a member of the international network of VSA, an affiliate of The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Each year, VSA Vermont presents inclusive arts and education programs for Vermonters of all ages at more than 60 separate sites in all counties of Vermont, including preschools, public schools, shelters for homeless families, community centers serving adults with disabilities in collaboration with community organizations of all kinds. What’s your best expressive and learning style? VSA Vermont offers artist residencies in every artistic genre so people of all ages in all areas of Vermont can discover new strengths and describe their interesting lives. VSA Vermont contracts with schools, parent groups, service provider organizations and other community organizations to create programs particular to the needs of their constituents. If you would like to help create a VSA Vermont program in your area, please contact us for more information.