VSA – Very Special Arts Illinois

Address: 52 Sunnyland Plaza
Washington, IL 61571
Phone: (309) 745-9419 Fax: (309) 7451936 Email: specartsil@mwonline.net Website: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Very-Special-Arts-Illinois/229570640583979

Ronald J. DeBoer, Executive Director

VSA arts of Illinois is a multi-dimensional arts organization offering comprehensive programs and initiatives that support and provide life-long learning and development through the arts for people with disabilities.

VSA arts of Illinois seeks to demonstrate the value of the arts in the lives of all individuals to ensure that individuals with disabilities have equal opportunities to participate in arts programming. VSA arts of Illinois works to provide avenues for the inclusion of people with disabilities through their participation in the arts.

TTY: (800) 526-0844

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