WA State Governor’s Committee on Disability Issues & Employment

Address: P.O. Box 9046, MS 6000
Olympia, WA 98507-9046
Phone: (360) 438-4116 Email: gcde@esd.wa.gov Website: https://esd.wa.gov/GCDE

The Washington State Governor's Committee on Disability Issues and Employment (GCDE) is a nationally recognized leader in promoting equality, opportunity, independence, and full participation in life for persons with disabilities. The membership of the GCDE strives to promote the diversity of persons with disabilities by representing the widest possible range of constituent groups, geographical perspectives, ethnic origins and cultural heritage. Created by the Executive Order in 1987 (Word, 30.0 KB), the GCDE: advises the governor, the legislature and state agencies on policy affecting persons with disabilities; monitors legislation to assure equal opportunity and access for employment, education, health care and services; promotes understanding of the needs and potential of people with disabilities, offering information and awareness training to the public; recognizes employers who demonstrate leadership in employing persons with disabilities; provides training and technical assistance to the business community to promote employment opportunities and awareness of disability issues; and conducts all activities in barrier-free environments and uses appropriate auxiliary aids and services to ensure effective communication.

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