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Washington Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Department of Social and Health Services
"Helping individuals with disabilities to participate fully in their communities and become employed is our purpose and passion. Whether you are an individual with a disability, someone seeking employment at DVR, an employer, or a DVR contractor we hope your visit to our site is helpful. DVR believes employment contributes to a person’s ability to live independently and everyone has a right to work. Our purpose is to empower people with disabilities to achieve a greater quality of life by obtaining and maintaining employment.
As a division of the Department of Social and Health Services, with offices located throughout Washington, DVR has partnered with communities for over 70 years to help meet the employment needs of people with disabilities and employers. We provide individualized employment services and counseling to people with disabilities
We provide technical assistance and training to employers about the employment of people with disabilities. "
Mailing Address: PO Box 45340, Olympia, WA 98504-5340