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Washington Special Education – Department of Education
Special Education and related services are provided annually to about 124,000 eligible students in the state across 295 school districts. The federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) ensures that children with disabilities and the families of such children have access to a free appropriate education (FAPE). IDEA is focused on improving educational results for children with disabilities. RCW 28A.155 provides the statutory basis for special education services in Washington, and WAC 392-172A provides the regulatory basis for both IDEA and RCW 28A.155. OSPI must report annually to the on the performance of each school district or educational service agency located in the State of Washington on the target’s set in the state performance plan (SPP). Statewide and district performance data are located within this section of the OSPI website. Also included within this section are federal data collection forms, instructions and resources; federal grant applications; the state performance plan and annual performance reports.
TTY Phone: (360) 586-0126