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Washougal School District
"Washougal Schools and Community working together to develop educated, healthy, responsible and successful citizens. Child Find Notice
Washougal School District is committed to addressing the unique needs of students with disabilities ages birth through 21 residing within the boundaries of the district. This includes children with disabilities enrolled in private and religious schools as well as children who are homeless. Disabilities can be in any one of several areas that ultimately affect a child's learning, such as the ability to think, to express oneself, to see or hear clearly, to get around, or understand instructions. If you have a child who you think might have a disability requiring special education instruction or significant accommodations at school, or if you know of such a child, please feel free to call the Washougal School District Special Services Office, (360) 954-3020.
Special Education
Washougal School District provides services to students with disabilities that are specified in state and federal laws. Services are free of charge to the parent. Anybody may refer a student for an evaluation to determine if the student qualifies for services. The referral needs to be in writing (unless you are unable to write) and directed to the student's principal. If you suspect that your child has a disability and your child is not currently enrolled in the school district, you may direct the referral to the Special Services Department.
Eligibility for special education services requires that we conduct an evaluation. The results of the evaluation must demonstrate that the child has a disability as defined in Chapter 392-172A of the Washington Administrative Code AND that the disability has a negative effect on the child making progress in the general education setting AND the require specialized instruction. If the child is of preschool age, assessment results need to document that the child scores significantly below same-aged peers in developmentally appropriate activities like adaptive behavior, communication, motor, cognition and behavior.
Eligible children/students receive services that meet their individual needs. These services are outlined in an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) that school staff and parents jointly develop.
There are many legal rules and regulations that determine what happens in special education. They are outlined in WAC 392-171A and are written in legal language. Further information may be obtained by reviewing the district’s policy and procedures regarding special education, by contacting Washougal School District’s Special Services Department at 954-3020, or by contacting the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI).
District-wide Special Education Services
Washougal School District is dedicated to meeting the needs of all children. The Special Education Department services children with disabilities, birth through age 3 are served via ESD 112. Programs are developed on an individualized basis, determined by the individual needs of each student."