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Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment
Prevention, people and partnerships sum up the work of local public health programs. The main purpose of public health is to make sure all of us have the opportunity to be healthy in mind, body and spirit. Most public health work is population-based, meaning it focuses on improving the health of the entire community rather than addressing individual health care needs.
The vision, mission, values and position of Weld County Department of Public Health and Environment (WCDPHE) were developed with these ideals in mind. WCDPHE is overseen by an executive director. The Board of County Commissioners, appoints the department's director, who subsequently is responsible for the staff. The department receives about one-third of its funds from Weld County, one-third from State funds and one-third fees for services. The Health Department is organized into five service divisions: Administrative, Emergency Preparedness and Epidemiology, Environmental Health, Health Communication, Education and Planning, and Public Health Services.