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Westside Community Schools
"The mission of the Westside Community School District, as an innovative educational system, is to ensure academic excellence and to serve the unique needs of all learners.
Beliefs, as used in strategic planning, are statements of an organization's fundamental values: The beliefs listed below describe the ethical code and convictions of the District. They were developed by community members, teachers, administrators, and students who served on District Strategic Planning Teams.
The Westside Community School District is a keystone of our community, and therefore has the obligation to be a major resource for enhancing the quality of life for all its citizens.
The Westside Community School District holds an uncompromising commitment to excellence.
Public education is fundamental to the preservation and advancement of individual freedoms, democracy and an effective free enterprise system.
Education is the responsibility of the entire community.
Learning is a lifelong process.
The unique cultural heritage of each student should be respected in the educational process.
The educational process should prepare students to live with and affect change.
Every student can learn and should be provided with the best opportunity to acquire knowledge, to develop personally, and to experience success.
A positive self-concept and respect for others are fundamental to teaching and learning.
Each student shares the responsibility for learning and, depending on maturity and capability, must be involved in the planning of his/her education.
Each parent is responsible for being actively involved in the education of his/her child.
Quality improvement must be client-oriented and data-driven.
Special Education: Our mission is to provide the very best possible educational opportunities to students with disabilities from birth to 21. In order to fulfill that mission, our goal is to educate all students in the neighborhood school regardless of their disability. We believe that quality instruction can best be met through collaborative school environments, whereby all educators realize the deficiencies of teaching in isolation and the enhanced student opportunities that can result from shared instructional strategies and collaborative decision-making. Responsibilities include:
Special education and related services:
Evaluation of children, birth to age 21
Students with limited English proficiency
Title I
504 Coordinator"