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Wheel to Walk Foundation – Funding Assistance Provider for Mobility Aids
Wheel to Walk Foundation
The Wheel to Walk Foundation is a non-profit organization that helps children with disabilities, 20 years and younger, obtain medical equipment or services not provided by insurance. We purchase items such as therapy tricycles, adaptive strollers, shower chairs, pumper cars, zip zac chairs, selective communication devices, gait trainers, speech therapy and wheelchairs, to name a few. Our organization strongly believes that no child or young adult with special needs go without items that could improve the quality of his or her daily life.
If you live in Oregon, Washington, Idaho or California and need assistance with anything from leg braces, bath chairs, gait trainers to therapy tricycles and wheelchairs, please contact us via the form on our web site, we will then send you an application. If you or someone you know is 20 years old or younger and needs assistance obtaining medical equipment or services that is not covered by insurance, please contact us via the form below to request an application. At this time, we are accepting applications from applicants living in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and California.
Check back to see when we extend our geographic reach. Please follow the instructions on the application and complete in its entirety, mail it to us by US mail and we will review your need. Please note: We do not pay deductibles or co-pays on insurance. At this time we will not purchase iPads, iPhones, computers, tandem bikes, vehicle or home modifications.