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Wheeler Summer Camp – Wheeler School
For well over a decade, we have been offering a wide array of programs for children in pre-K through high school, including a traditional day camp and intensive sports camps and outdoor camps. Wheeler Summer Camp’s goal is to provide campers with a healthy, fun, challenging experience. We provide an introduction to swimming, nature, art, drama, and sports in a dynamic outdoor setting. Through our varied programs and activities, we hope our campers will develop athletic, artistic, outdoor, and social skills. Wheeler Summer Camp is a traditional day camp. It’s broken into Lower Camp and Upper Camp. Campers are arranged in tent groups based upon their grade. Each tent group serves as an age-appropriate home base, with staff trained and focused on the needs and potential of their group. Wheeler Summer Outdoor full day programs provide a variety of challenging outdoor education experiences. Participants in Wheeler Summer Sports and some Outdoor programs go to half-day workshops, then join in with the Camp programs—electives and free swim—in the afternoon.
Mailing Address: 350 Walker Street, Seekonk, MA 02771