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Wheelin Team 457 (MI)
Founded in 2003, Wheelin' Team 457 is located at the American Legion Post 457 in North Branch, Michigan.
Based in the thumb of Michigan, it serves the surrounding counties as far north as Essexville and as far south as Roseville. Wheelin' Team 457 has mentored and demonstrated its talents and knowledge to schools, hospitals, businesses, rehabs, and municipalities.
Wheelin' Team 457 accomplishments include awards and successes with local, state, and national records. We are 5 years undefeated in the Michigan and Ohio Wheelchair games. We were recently named top team at the Thunder in the Valley Games and nominated to the Michigan Athletes with Disabilities Hall of Fame. Wheelin' Team 457 provides not only competition at wheelchair sports events but provides local seasonal hunting and fishing events.
The team and its members have been featured on outdoor shows, news, and media. Activities and events include: Bowling Tournaments, Ice Fishing, Buck Pole Finale, Billiards Tournament, Wheel Chair Games, Hunting, Archery, fishing, Golf and more.
Please visit our website or Contact us for more information: