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WIC in Vermont – Department of Health, Agency of Human Services
WIC is a nutrition program that helps pregnant women, new mothers, and young children eat well, learn about nutrition and stay healthy. WIC is the “Federal Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children.” Our goal is to improve health by informing families about good health practices and by providing nutritious foods to eligible Vermonters. Every year, thousands of women, infants and children receive nutrition services from the Vermont WIC program. WIC is designed to serve income-eligible pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding or who have a new baby, infants and children up to age 5 who are nutritionally or medically at risk. In addition to providing healthy foods, WIC provides nutrition counseling, breastfeeding support, health education, and connections to other community resources. Apply today! WIC foods provided to families changed in 2009 to meet new federal rules. Exclusively breastfeeding moms will have the largest food package and the greatest variety of foods to support their decision to provide breast milk for their baby. Enjoy your favorite WIC foods, plus some new foods that will support your growing family to eat a wide variety of healthy foods! WIC Food items include: Whole grain bread or brown rice; Canned beans (kidney, chick peas and black beans – a different kind each month); Natural peanut butter (no trans fats!); A WIC Fruit and Veggie Card to buy fruits and vegetables each month; Baby food fruits and vegetables for your 6-12 month old baby; 1% or skim milk for everyone over age 2; Tofu and fortified soy beverage. WIC Delivers 2 times each month! Your driver will deliver to your house two times each month. Your monthly Proof of Delivery form show which foods will be delivered during which week. Your families fruit and vegetable benefit is automatically loaded on your card the 1st of each month. Pregnant women, new mothers, infants and children up to age 5 can be eligible for WIC if their household income is less than $795 per week for a family of four. Woman and children must be residents of Vermont, and meet income and health or nutrition guidelines to be eligible for WIC. Fathers, grandparents and foster parents may apply for children who are in their care.
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