William “Sonny” Nelson School, Southwest Region Schools – ALASKA

Address: General Delivery
Ewok, AK 99580
Phone: (907) 464-3344 Fax: (907) 4643318 Email: jgoodrich@swrsd.org Website: http://www.swrsd.org/home/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=54&Itemid=135

Contact Information
Lead Teacher: Jeff Goodrich
Secretary: Mary Walcott
Phone: (907) 464-3344 Fax: (907) 464-3318
William "Sonny" Nelson School
Ekwok, AK 99580 

Ekwok is located along the Nushagak River, 43 miles northeast of Dillingham, and 285 miles southwest of Anchorage. The community lies at approximately 59.349720° North Latitude and -157.47528° (West) Longitude.  Ekwok means "end of the bluff," and is the oldest continuously occupied Yup'ik Eskimo village on the river. During the 1800s, the settlement was used in the spring and summer as a fish camp, and in the fall as abase for berry-picking. By 1923, it was the largest settlement along the river. In 1930, a BIA school was constructed. Mail was delivered by dog sled from Dillingham until a post office opened in 1941. Many of the earliest homes in Ekwok were located in a low, flat area near the riverbank. After a severe flood in the early 1960s, villagers relocated on higher ground, to the current location. The City was incorporated in1974. There is one school located in the community,  attended by 26 students. The William "Sonny" School is part of the Southwest Region School District

Southwest Region School District
574 Kenny Wren Road
Dillingham, AK  99576
Phone: (907) 842-5287
Phone: (907) 842-5428


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