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Winston-Salem Transit Authority (WSTA)
Trans-AID is the Winston-Salem Transit Authority's ride-sharing transportation service for eligible riders who are elderly and/or have a disability that prevents them from riding the fixed route bus.
There are three types of certification granted to eligible Trans-AID clients: (please visit our website for detials)
Permanent certification — The individual is unable, as a result of mental, visual or physical impairment as defined in the ADA to get on, ride, or get off an accessible vehicle of the WSTA fixed route bus system, even with training.
Conditional certification — The individual can use or learn to use an accessible public transportation, BUT such a vehicle is not available on the route when the person wants to travel.
Temporary certification — The individual has a specific impairment-related condition (including limitations of vision, hearing or disorientation), which prevents travel to or from the Downtown Transportation Center or stop of the WSTA fixed route bus system.