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Wintergreen Adaptive Sports
"Wintergreen Adaptive Sports is a non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation whose mission is to improve the lives of people with a disability through outdoor sports and recreation. As of 2010, we offer instruction in alpine skiing, snowboarding, kayaking, and canoeing. In addition, in 2009 we created our first Wounded Warrior golf program.
Located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, next to the slopes of Wintergreen Resort and adjacent to Wintergreen’s beautiful Lake Monocan, WAS offers fun, exhilaration and the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors with family and friends. Our students cover the spectrum of ages and disabilities.
For sixteen years, WAS has believed and proved that “from the top of our mountain, all you can see is possibility.” In a world full of limitations, our students feel the wind on their faces, the thrill of a speedy ride down the slopes, and the cold of the snow right along with the rest of the world. Soldiers and marines, with bodies battered by war, discover that they can still be athletes. With our highly trained and compassionate staff along with an ingenious array of adaptive snow sport and boating equipment blindness, paraplegia, cognitive disorders and traumatic brain injuries are challenges we encounter, and overcome."