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Wisconsin BadgerCare Plus
All children under 19 years old – at all income levels – can enroll in BadgerCare Plus. BadgerCare Plus also covers: Parents and caretakers at higher income levels (up to 200% of the FPL); Young adults who are leaving foster care when they turn 18 (regardless of income); Parents with incomes up to 200% FPL who have kids in foster care; and more farm families and self-employed families. BadgerCare Plus is simple to enroll in. It is easy to see if you might be able to enroll in a BadgerCare Plus Plan and other health and nutrition programs like FoodShare. Visit Click on the “Am I Eligible” Tool to see if you might be able to get benefits. Or, go right to the “Apply For Benefits” tool to apply online. How To Get Temporary Health Insurance Some local community organizations will help children and pregnant women express enroll in BadgerCare Plus. For a list of these organizations, call 1-800-362-3002. If you are currently insured, you might still be able to enroll. In certain cases, the state may pay part or all of your monthly premium for your other insurance. BadgerCare Plus can help you and your children be healthy and stay healthy.