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Wisconsin FACETS (Family Assistance Center for Education, Training and Support)
Wisconsin Family Assistance Center for Education, Training & Support (“WI FACETS”) is a statewide non-profit organization, with its main office located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. WI FACETS was founded in June 1995 by a small group of parents who had a strong desire to help other families understand the special education laws and systems. WI FACETS: Helps parents build partnerships with those who provide services to their children; Connects families to community resources; Educates parents on their rights and how to use those rights to become involved in their child’s education; Empowers parents and young adults so they may advocate effectively for their own needs; Provides information and resources to educators and other professionals who support children with disabilities. The mission of WI FACETS is to provide and broaden opportunities that enhance the quality of life for children and adults with disabilities and their families, with emphasis on support for underserved families in the community.
TDD: 414-374-4635
Phone (Spanish): 877-374-0511