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Wisconsin Statewide Parent-Educator Initiative (WSPEI)
Mary Skadahl, State Project Coordinator
The Wisconsin Statewide Parent-Educator Initiative (WSPEI) is a service for parents, educators, and others interested in parent-educator partnerships for children with disabilities. WSPEI is all about partnerships. Its goal is to help parents and school districts find or create the resources that will help them build positive working relationships that lead to shared decision making and children's learning. It supports increased sharing of information among parents, schools, projects, organizations and agencies through networking meetings, conferences, person-to-person contact, and media. It is based on: Support and leadership for parents and local school districts; Collaboration with the twelve Cooperative Educational Service Agencies (CESAs); Information exchange and referral to other agencies and organizations; Cooperation with the Community Learning and Partnerships Team; Alignment with and access to state and federal initiatives such as the Parent Leadership Hub.