Wisconsin Statewide Transition Initiative

Address: 225 Ostermann Drive
Turtle Lake, WI 54889
Phone: (715) 986-2020 Fax: (715) 9862040 Email: lindam@cesa11.k12.wi.us Website: http://www.wsti.org/

Linda Maitrejean – Director 

The Wisconsin Statewide Transition Initiative (WSTI) was established in 2000 through a grant funded by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. The overarching purpose of WSTI is to improve transition programs and services so that students with disabilities can make a successful transition from high school to postsecondary education or training, employment and/or independent living. The WSTI project provides personnel development, support services, and information dissemination to promote understanding and implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004 transition requirements and effective practice. The three main goals of the WSTI project are: Increase compliance with State Performance Plan Indicator #13 to 100%. Increase compliance with completion and implementation of the Summary of Performance. Maintain/Increase communication and collaboration with internal and external transition stakeholders.

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