Wisconsin Talking Book and Braille Library

Address: 813 W Wells Street
Milwaukee, WI 53233-1436
Phone: (414) 286-3045 Fax: (414) 286-3102 Email: wtbbl@milwaukee.gov Website: https://dpi.wi.gov/talkingbooks

Part of the Talking Book Program of the Library of Congress

The Wisconsin Talking Book and Braille Library (WTBBL) provides Braille and recorded books and playback equipment for those Wisconsin residents who for any physical reason cannot read normal print. As part of the Talking Book Program of the Library of Congress, the Wisconsin Talking Book and Braille Library (WTBBL) circulates digital books, recorded cassettes, Brailled materials, and playback equipment provided by the federal government. In addition, the WTBBL circulates digital books, recorded cassettes and Brailled materials about Wisconsin or by Wisconsin authors, as well as audio-described videotapes and DVDs. The WTBBL provides service to nearly 5,500 individuals, schools, libraries and hospitals from its location in Milwaukee Public Library's Central headquarters. 2011 circulation was over 330,000 items. To handle this workflow, process new applicants and publicize the program, the Library employs a staff of 15.

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