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Wisconsin’s Assistive Technology Program (WisTech)
WisTech provides information on selecting, funding, installing and using assistive technology.
Assistive technology (AT) is any product or device that enables people with disabilities to improve their independence and quality of life in the community, at home, at work, and at school. AT items include commercially-made equipment, custom-made devices or common products that have been modified to serve a specific need.WisTech is funded to provide:
Four State Level activities:
Device Loan – Device Loans are available at the regional independent living centers. Loans are available to people with disabilities, their families, employers, service providers and other interested persons. Device Loans are short-term loans of assistive technology devices for the purpose of:
- assisting in the decision-making process of finding the most appropriate equipment
- serve as loaner equipment
- provide a short-term accommodations
Device Demonstration – Device Demonstrations allow people to compare features and benefits of a particular assistive technology device to make an informed choice before purchasing a device.
Device Reutilization – Device Reutilization is the refurbishment, recycling and/or repair of assistive technology devices. The (exit DHS) contracts with WisTech to provide recycled, repaired and cleaned wheelchairs, mobility devices and other durable medical equipment such as hospital beds, lifts and bath equipment, for a nominal fee.
Alternative Financing – The WisLoan program offers loans for assistive technology. The loans help people buy equipment such as hearing aids, modified vehicles, wheelchairs and ramps. Independent living centers throughout the state provide technical assistance, applications and assistive technology services. The WisLoan fact sheet provides details about the program. For additional information, contact Patti Kraemer at 414/226-8306 or toll-free at 1-877/463-3778.
How to Contact WisTech
Sarah Lincoln, WisTech Support
Office of Independence and Employment
1 W. Wilson Street, Room 437
Madison, WI 53703
Voice: (608) 266-7974
TTY: (608) 267-9880
Fax: (608) 266-3386