World Federation of Music Therapy

Address: c/o Dr. Anne Heiderscheit, 14108 55th Avenue North
Plymouth, MN 55446
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World Federation of Music Therapy was formally established in Genoa, Italy in 1985. Among the ten founding members were Rolando Benenzon (Argentina), Giovanni Mutti (Italy), Jacques Jost (France) Barbara Hesser (USA), Amelia Oldfield (UK), Ruth Bright (Australia), Heinrich Otto Moll (Germany), Rafael Colon (Puerto Rico), Clementina Nastari (Brazil), and Tadeusz Natanson (Poland).     The World Federation of Music Therapy (WFMT) is an international nonprofit organization bringing together music therapy associations and individuals interested in developing and promoting music therapy globally through the exchange of information, collaboration among professionals and actions.

The members of the Federation are music therapy organizations, training programs, certified music therapists, music therapy students, and individuals associated with music therapy.



The World Federation of Music Therapy conducts several global music therapy projects. These projects are lead by WFMT Council Members.

Council Members invite colleagues based on their expertise to be involved in various projects.


The World Federation currently includes the following six Commissions, which work on projects related to each commission’s goals and objectives:

  1. Commission on Education and Training

  2. Commission on Clinical Practice

  3. Commission on Research and Ethics

  4. Commission on Accreditation and Certification

  5. Commission on Global Crises Interventions

  6. Commission on Publications

  7. Commission on Public Relations

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