Wrangell Public Schools

Address: P.O. Box 2319
Wrangell, AK 99929
Phone: (907) 874-2347 Website: http://www.wrangellschools.org/Page/1

Wrangell Public Schools serves approximately 315 students in three school facilities in the heart of the community. 

Evergreen Elementary is surrounded by the beauty of Southeast Alaska.  They have 129 students with an average class size of twelve students in the primary grades and twenty-three students per class in the intermediate grades

Also located in picturesque Southeastern Alaska, Stikine Middle School is the home of the cougars and Wrangell High School is the home of the wolves.  Both schools host an array of highly qualified teachers offering courses in a variety of academic and elective areas. 

Wrangell High School offers many tech prep and career oriented courses for both high school and college credit.  Approximately 40 college credits are available through a wide variety of courses. 

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