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YMCA Timbertop Camp for Children with Learning Disabilities
Stevens Point Area YMCA
Timbertop Camp is for boys and girls that have been identified by their school districts as needing extra help for a learning disability. Timbertop combines traditional camp programs with extra reading practice and special group activities that focus on dealing with learning disabilities. Special attention is paid to peer relations, building self-confidence and learning new skills. Please contact us to request special registration materials. Timbertop Camp is celebrating its 45th anniversary this summer! It is jointly sponsored by the YMCA and the Association for Services for Learning Disabilities, a non-profit corporation founded in 1967 which sponsors camping for children with learning disabilities. Timbertop is a 7 day outdoor adventure where campers will learn outdoor skills and participate in activities designed to enhance their cooperative abilities and interpersonal relationships. An emphasis is placed on building self-esteem and how to make and keep friends. Whether building a campfire, cleaning the cabin or learning how to handle a canoe, each camper learns to share the responsibility of camp life. The daily schedule includes: reading instruction, swim lessons, cabin activities, camp classes (such as nature exploration, canoeing, arts & crafts, archery, fishing, games and more), evening campfires, GORP Group, stargazing and all-camp programs. Our staff are selected for their leadership skills and their ability to provide a meaningful and safe camp experience for youth. Staff have an understanding of youth with special needs and the unique potential of each child. There is a ratio of one adult to every five campers.