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Young Families Early Head Start
Young Families Early Head Start (YFEHS) has been providing quality child care for teen parents in the Billings community November of 1983. During that time, the focus of the program was to support teenaged parents completing their high school education. With the inclusion of Early Head Start in 1998, a comprehensive approach to providing intensive services to infants, toddlers, and their families became the focus of the program. The YFEHS program now provides a comprehensive two-generation program including intensive services that begin before the child is born and concentrate on enhancing the child’s development and supporting the family during the critical first three years of the child’s life.
YFEHS provides services to infants and toddlers, birth to three years of age, including children with disabilities, whose parents are teenagers completing their high school education, as well as parents obtaining post-secondary education and training in college or technical schools, and working parents. We also provide prenatal classes for students in preparation for parenthood. YFEHS is the only program in Billings that provides comprehensive child care and support services for low-income parents at no charge to families.