Young Life Capernaum – Greater Seattle

Address: PO Box 55998
Seattle, WA 98155-0998
Phone: (206) 361-1234 Website:


"Young Life Capernaum Greater Seattle is a ministry dedicated to opening the door of faith in Christ for teens with physical and developmental disabilities. We reach out to this underserved population with supportive and enriching peer-oriented activities and mentoring friendships. Young Life serves teens and families of all religious and cultural backgrounds. Young Life Capernaum has a team of devoted, well-trained adults who are dedicated to building unconditional friendships with young people with disabilities. We want these young people to experience the unconditional love of God in every area of their lives.
 Contact: we meet these young people on their turf.  We go to their schools, activities, and homes.  Often we are the only friends to visit them during their frequent stays in the hospital.  We seek to demonstrate an interest in who they are as we share life experiences.  We are adults in their lives who are available to listen and care about them.
 Club: club is a weekly event where young people with disabilities discover friendships with their peers and are involved in a variety of activities and discussion groups.  Here they listen to the essential message of a God who remembers them in a world that has often forgotten them.
 Camps: camp is a time for adventure, relationships, and presenting the Christian faith in a way that young people can understand and respond to as they choose.  For many young people with disabilities, this is their first time away from home.  For parents, it may be their first opportunity to rest. Our camping experiences provide the opportunity for social, emotional, and spiritual growth in a fun-filled, natural setting. We have camps in Canada, Oregon and Washington state.
Campaigner Groups: campaigner groups are small groups that meet for Bible study and discussion, designed for young people who want to further explore the Christian faith. Together we learn that people have a purpose, and that each can offer something to the world around them.
 Special Activities: in order to develop friendships and help meet the need for social interaction, we provide a wide variety of special activities.  Opportunities offered include horseback riding, movies, pizza, fishing, shopping, white water rafting, football games, proms, plays, concerts, and other educational field trips.
 Club Beyond: as young adults (age 21 or older) graduate from the Young Life program we want to help them as they transition into the local community.  Club Beyond is designed to help these young adults discover ways that they can give to others as well as continue to grow in their own faith. Our goal is to help each of these young adults who have come through our program discover that they have many things to offer the community around them."

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