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Yuma County Area Transit (YCAT)
"This service is in a transitional mode. Seniors age 60 and older, persons with disabilities that do not meet the ADA criteria can only ride through January 31, 2012 within the approved service area. Passengers must have a disability that prevents the use of YCAT fixed route buses and/or accessing a YCAT fixed route stop in order to be eligible for Greater Yuma Area Dial-A-Ride service.
This service is available within a ¾ mile radius of YCAT routes operating in Yuma, Somerton, San Luis and the unincorporated Yuma County areas west of Telegraph Pass. For paratransit service in Wellton, please review Gold Route 8 schedule.
Passengers formerly eligible for dial-a-ride service, that are no longer eligible for Greater Yuma Area Dial-A-Ride service should contact Saguaro Transportation Service at (928) 783-6069. There a new transportation program available for those that are senior (age 60 years old and older), have a disability or live outside the Greater Yuma Area Dial-A-Ride service area."
TDD/TTY: (928) 539-7076
(800) 782-1886 to be certified