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Resources in 'Education'

Unlimited Possibilities

Address: 1251 E. Dyer Road, Suite 150
Santa Ana, CA 92705
Phone: (949) 333-6400 Email: Website:

Founded in 1953, Unlimited Possibilities (UP) was originally established as United Cerebral Palsy of Orange County to assist people of all ages affected by cerebral palsy. Today, UP is the trusted source of hope and joy for children and families with… Read More

UCP of Greater Sacramento

Address: 4350 Auburn Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95841
Phone: (916) 565-7700 Email: Website:

UCP of Sacramento and Northern California is the leading provider of comprehensive services to children and adults with all developmental disabilities and their families. UCP works with 2,600 people a month in our eight-county area, empowering children… Read More

UCP of San Diego County

Address: 8525 Gibbs Drive, #209
San Diego, CA 92123
Phone: (858) 571-7803 Fax: (858) 5710919 Email: Website:

As part of one of the nation’s largest health charities, United Cerebral Palsy affiliates are leaders in providing innovative programs and services to more than 176,000 children and adults with disabilities every day. Our staff and volunteers are engaged… Read More

UCP of San Luis Obispo

Address: 3620 Sacramento Drive, Suite 201C
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Phone: (805) 543-2039 Website:

United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) is an organization dedicated to the advancement of independence, productivity, and full citizenship for all people with disabilities. Our services provide social and recreational programs, individual and family support, youth… Read More

UCP of the North Bay

Address: 3835 Cypress Drive, #103
Petaluma, CA 94954
Phone: (707) 766-9990 Website:

UCP of the North Bay enhances the quality of life of people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities, their families, and their communities. We believe that individuals with even the most challenging disabilities have the right to quality education… Read More

UCP of Stanislaus County

Address: 4265 Spyres Way, #2
Modesto, CA 95356
Phone: (209) 577-2122 Fax: (209) 5772392 Website:

This program is a center-based Adult Day Activity Center that focuses on skill building in the areas of self-advocacy, self-care, community integration, and employment training. Other areas of training include communication, physical education, pre-vocational… Read More

Office of Services to the Blind

Address: California Department of Social Services,, 744 P Street, MS 8-16-94
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 657-3327 Fax: (916) 6534001 Email: Website:

Under the Office for Special Services, the Office of Services to the Blind (OSB) provides information and referral on services, programs, entitlements, and products of benefit to individuals who are blind or visually impaired and their families or service… Read More

The Center for the Partially Sighted

Address: 6101 W. Centinela Ave., Suite 150
Culver City, CA 90230
Phone: (310) 988-1970 Fax: (310) 9881980 Website:

The mission of The Center for the Partially Sighted is to promote independent living for people of all ages with impaired sight. Read More

California Association for Parents of Children with Visual Impairments (CAPVI)l

Address: 1445 Baird Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95409
Phone: (209) 586-2652 Email: Website:

CAPVI exists to promote and provide information to parents of children with visual impairments through workshops, email and publications; to provide opportunities for parents and professionals to network; to increase public awareness about children with… Read More

California Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Address: 721 Capitol Mall
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916) 324-1313 Website:

DOR's vocational rehabilitation services program assists Californians with disabilities obtain and retain employment and maximize their ability to live independently in their communities. The Department develops, purchases, provides, and advocates for… Read More

Was Your Child's CP Preventable?