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Resources in 'Education'

Epilepsy Foundation of Northern California

Address: 1736 Franklin Street, Suite 450
Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: 510-922-8687 Fax: 510-922-8659 Email: Website:

FRN serves families raising children, ages birth to 22 years, with special needs. Our service area includes Amador, Calaveras, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Tuolumne Counties of California. There are no income limits or eligibility requirements. FRN serves… Read More

Programs for Children and Youth who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, State Office of Deaf Access

Address: Department of Social Services,, 744 P Street, MS 11-9
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 653-7651 Email: Website:

The Deaf Access Program (DAP) was created in 1980 to ensure that California’s public programs are adapted to meet the communication needs of deaf and hard of hearing children, adults, and families so they may receive the public benefits and services to… Read More

California Speech Language Hearing Association (CSHA)

Address: 825 University Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95825
Phone: (916) 921-1568 Fax: (916) 661-4777 Email: Website:

CSHA connects speech-language pathologists, audiologists and families with communication and related disorders to knowledge and information, networking and trusted resources. Read More

Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Youth & Adults

Address: 9939 Hibert St., Suite 108
San Diego, CA 92131
Phone: (858) 578-1600 Fax: (858) 578-3800 Email: Website:

The mission of the Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Youths and Adults is to enable each person who is deaf-blind to live and work in his or her community of choice. Authorized by an Act of Congress in 1967, the Helen Keller National Center… Read More

Learning Disabilities Association of California

Address: 808 West Balboa Blvd.
Newport Beach, CA 92661
Phone: (909) 621-1494 Email: Website:

LDA-CA is a non-profit volunteer organization of parents, professionals, and adults with learning disabilities. Its purpose is to promote and support the education and general welfare of children and adults of potentially normal intelligence who manifest… Read More

Special Format Library

Address: 741 N. Vermont Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90029-3594
Phone: (323) 663-1111 Fax: (323) 663-0867 Email: Website:

Braille Institute's Library Services—the Southern California branch of the National Library Service (NLS), a network coordinated by the Library of Congress—has solved this problem for more than six decades by providing free books, periodicals and other… Read More

California Mental Health Agency

Address: ​1501 Capitol Avenue, MS 4000 P.O. Box 997413
Sacramento, CA 95899-7413​
Phone: 916-322-7445 Email: Website:

The California Department of Mental Health (DMH), entrusted with leadership of the California mental health system, ensures through partnerships the availability and accessibility of effective, efficient, culturally competent services. This is accomplished… Read More

Mental Health Association in California

Address: 1127 11th Street, Suite 925
Sacramento, CA 94814
Phone: (916) 557-1167 Website:

The mission of Mental Health America of California is to ensure that people of all ages, sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity, etc. who require mental health services and supports are able to live full and productive lives, receive the mental health… Read More

Department of Developmental Services

Address: Health and Human Services Agency,, 1600 9th Street, 2nd Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 654-1690 Website:

The California Department of Developmental Services is the agency through which the State of California provides services and supports to individuals with developmental disabilities.These disabilities include mental retardation, cerebral palsy, epilepsy… Read More

Center for Accessible Technology (CforAT)

Address: 3075 Adeline, Suite 220
Berkeley, CA 94703
Phone: (510) 841-3224 Fax: (510) 8417956 Email: Website:

CforAT's focus is on access to computers and technology for people with disabilities. We do this so children with disabilities can succeed in school, adults with disabilities can find (and keep) jobs and all people with disabilities can use the internet… Read More

Was Your Child's CP Preventable?