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Resources in 'Education'

The Arc of Camden County

Address: 215 West White Horse Pike
Berlin, NJ 08009
Phone: (856) 767-3650 Fax: (856) 7671378 Email: Website:

  The mission of The Arc of Camden County is to provide quality,  individualized services to people with disabilities that promote  growth and independence in the pursuit of life goals. Read More

The Arc of Camden County

Address: 215 West White Horse Pike
Berlin, NJ 08009
Phone: (856) 767-3650 Fax: (856) 7671378 Email: Website:

  The mission of The Arc of Camden County is to provide quality,  individualized services to people with disabilities that promote  growth and independence in the pursuit of life goals. Read More

The Arc of Natrona County

Address: 4070 Plaza Dr., Suite #106
Casper, WY 82604
Phone: (307) 577-4913 Fax: (307) 5774014 Email: Website:

The Arc of Natrona County is a non-profit organization in Casper, Wyoming that is committed to securing for, all people with developmental disabilities, the opportunity to choose and realize the goals of where and how they learn, live, work and play. Read More

Washington Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD)

Address: PO Box 45310
Olympia, WA 98504-5895
Phone: (360) 725-3413 Fax: (360) 4070955 Email: Website:

"Quality supports and services that are: individual/family driven; stable and flexible; satisfying to the person and their family; and able to meet individual needs. Supports and services that ensure people have the necessary information to make decisions… Read More

Pierce County Developmental Disabilities Advisory Board

Address: 1305 Tacoma Ave S, Ste 104
Tacoma, WA 98402
Phone: (253) 798-4500 Fax: (253) 7982818 Email: Website:

The Pierce County Developmental Disabilities Board assists and advises Pierce County Community Connections on services to individuals with developmental disabilities, the development of the Five-Year Plan, agency operations conducted under the Plan, including… Read More

Learning Disabilities Association of Alabama

Address: PO Box 244023
Montgomery, AL 36124
Phone: (334) 277-9151 Email: Website:

The Learning Disabilities Association of Alabama, Inc. (LDAA) is a non-profit grassroots organization whose members are individuals with learning disabilities, their families, and the professionals who work with them. LDAA strives to advance the education… Read More

Programs for People with Developmental Disabilities, Division of Developmental Disabilities, Department of Health

Address: 6101 Yellowstone Blvd, 186E Qwest Building
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Phone: (307) 777-7115 Fax: (307) 7776047 Email: Website:

Provides funding and guidance responsive to the needs of people with disabilities to live, work, enjoy, and learn in Wyoming communities with their families, friends, and chosen support service and support providers. Read More

Pierce County Coalition for Developmental Disabilities: A Resource Guide for Children and Adults with Developmental Disabilities

Address: 3716 Pacific Avenue Suite A
Tacoma, WA 98418
Phone: (253) 564-0707 Fax: (253) 5640702 Email: Website:

Mission: "Empowering individuals with developmental disabilities, and their families, with respect for all perspectives." Information, education and referral for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families throughout Pierce County.… Read More

Alabama Regional Library for the Blind and Physically Disabled

Address: 6030 Monticello Drive
Montgomery, AL 36117
Phone: (334) 213-3906 Email: Website:

The Regional Library for the Blind and Physically Disabled is a free braille and talking book library service for people with temporary or permanent low vision, blindness, or physical, perceptual, or reading disability that prevents them from using regular… Read More

Washington State Developmental Disabilities Council

Address: 2600 Martin Way East, Suite F
Olympia, WA 98506
Phone: (360) 586-3560 Fax: (360) 5862424 Email: Website:

Ed Holen, Executive Director Developmental Disabilities Council members are appointed by the Governor to plan comprehensive services for the State of Washington's citizens with developmental disabilities. At least 60% of the 33-member Council must consist… Read More

Was Your Child's CP Preventable?